Tag Archives: blockchain


Nando Caporicci: How blockchain outperforms financial institutions



Striving for Perfectio

Bitcoin was originally designed as a new kind of digital money. One of the main reasons for its success is that it solved the challenge of trust in a digital setting – a challenge that was vital to overcome before digital money could really work. This was possible because of a new technology that forms the basis of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies: blockchain. 

But the applications of blockchain don’t end at digital money. Ultimately, cryptocurrency is about more than just currency – it’s also a technology that can transform the digital apps and services that we use in all areas of our lives. Here’s the big picture.

Digital assets: what they are and why people invest in them

In finance, an asset is anything you own that has economic value. Cash, buildings and artworks, for example, are all considered assets. 

A ‘digital’ asset, meanwhile, is simply anything you own that has economic value and only exists digitally. In the context of cryptocurrency, they’re used as a way to invest in all of the big applications for the technology cryptocurrency uses – whether as digital currency, smart contract platforms or apps built on top of smart contact platforms. They’re also often used in the projects themselves as an integral part of the application’s ecosystem, usually acting as an incentive for tasks to be carried out. 

Bitcoin was originally designed as a new kind of digital money. One of the main reasons for its success is that it solved the challenge of trust in a digital setting – a challenge that was vital to overcome before digital money could really work. This was possible because of a new technology that forms the basis of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies: blockchain. 

But the applications of blockchain don’t end at digital money. Ultimately, cryptocurrency is about more than just currency – it’s also a technology that can transform the digital apps and services that we use in all areas of our lives. Here’s the big picture.

Digital assets: what they are and why people invest in them

In finance, an asset is anything you own that has economic value. Cash, buildings and artworks, for example, are all considered assets. 

A ‘digital’ asset, meanwhile, is simply anything you own that has economic value and only exists digitally. In the context of cryptocurrency, they’re used as a way to invest in all of the big applications for the technology cryptocurrency uses – whether as digital currency, smart contract platforms or apps built on top of smart contact platforms. They’re also often used in the projects themselves as an integral part of the application’s ecosystem, usually acting as an incentive for tasks to be carried out. 


Dubai launches new crypto regulatory

Dubai has set a new crypto regulation to control cryptocurrency locally in their area. The city has additionally settled an administrative body named the Dubai Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA) to administer the country’s crypto area.

VARA was laid out as a free authority under the Dubai World Trade Center (DWTC) for advanced resources the executives.

Sheik Mohammed container Rashid Al Maktoum, the head of the state of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), unveiled the new improvement through a tweet.

“Today, we approved the virtual assets law and established the Dubai Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority. This is a step that establishes the UAE’s position in this sector. The Authority will cooperate with all related entities to ensure maximum transparency and security for investors.”

The Functions of VARA

VARA will be answerable for the guideline, administration, and issuance of cryptographic forms of money, NFTs, and other virtual resources. It will likewise oversee and screen crypto stages, trades, and the board administrations, ensuring they work under the guidelines and guidelines of the monetary controllers.

Also, the new crypto guard dog denies people from participating in crypto exercises without legitimate approval. Be that as it may, those keen on participating in computerized resources should initially layout a presence in Dubai.

As per Maktoum, the nation needs to layout Dubai as a “vital participant in planning the eventual fate of virtual resources around the world.”

More Crypto Grounds

In the interim, Dubai’s new crypto administrative system has been in progress since a year ago.

In December 2021, the Dubai media office declared that the Dubai World Trade Center (DWTC) would authoritatively turn into a crypto zone and furthermore control other virtual resources as well as crypto exchanging organizations in the country.

At that point, the city media expressed that an exceptionally severe arrangement has been set up to battle the financing of psychological warfare, financial backer securities, and illegal tax avoidance.

In September 2021, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Securities and Commodities Authority along with the Dubai World Trade Center Authority (DWTCA) coordinated a board that permits the DWTCA to endorse all monetary exchanges connecting with digital currency.

These administrative moves show exactly the way that Dubai is planning to lay out its presence in the cryptographic money area. The nation is very famous and has acquired favors among the web3 local area.

Why do people invest in digital assets?

Bitcoin was originally designed as a new kind of digital money. One of the main reasons for its success is that it solved the challenge of trust in a digital setting – a challenge that was vital to overcome before digital money could really work. This was possible because of a new technology that forms the basis of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies: blockchain. 

But the applications of blockchain don’t end at digital money. Ultimately, cryptocurrency is about more than just currency – it’s also a technology that can transform the digital apps and services that we use in all areas of our lives. Here’s the big picture.

Digital assets: what they are and why people invest in them

In finance, an asset is anything you own that has economic value. Cash, buildings and artworks, for example, are all considered assets. 

A ‘digital’ asset, meanwhile, is simply anything you own that has economic value and only exists digitally. In the context of cryptocurrency, they’re used as a way to invest in all of the big applications for the technology cryptocurrency uses – whether as digital currency, smart contract platforms or apps built on top of smart contact platforms. They’re also often used in the projects themselves as an integral part of the application’s ecosystem, usually acting as an incentive for tasks to be carried out. 

So why are they still investing.

  1. Investing in digital currency

People say they invest in a digital asset that is like currency for many of the same reasons they want to own and invest in currency like Dollars or Euros: either they find it useful for transactions, or they believe its value might increase compared to other currencies. 

  1. Investing in smart contract platforms

The value of digital assets in the area of smart contract platforms are, naturally, a bit different. Their value is more like shares in the development of a new foundational technology. You can think about why people consider investing in smart contract platforms as more like investing in a startup that is creating a new operating system for mobile phones. If it’s successful, the value of the investment will increase.